Opening / 2-5PM, Sat 23 July 2022
Closing / 3-5PM Sat 30 July 2022 with live music by the music box project
81 Sydenham Rd, Marrickville, Sydney
THU 21 - 11 - 5
FRI 22 - 11 - 5
SAT 23 - 11 - 5 / OPENING DRINKS at 2-5PM
TUE 26 - 11 - 5
WED 27 - 11 - 5
THU 28 - 11 - 5
FRI 29 - 11 - 5
SAT 30 - 11 - 5 / CLOSING EVENT at 3-5PM

We invite you to our next archival exhibition, of creative works drawn out and extended on, from digital to material forms;
a provisional library which includes texts of special value, from the personal collections our contributing artists;
a space wherein we can spend long durations with those writers/thinkers that have influenced our thinking and practice.
In building this library, we are interested in the ways a text might betray a sense of having been lived with and alongside; notes / comments / folded pages / signs of wear and tear /of treasured and pleasured annotations; those intimacies and proximities that index the ways in which ideas and words never expire on the page, but permeate all facets of experiential syntax.
ADSR Zine is a volunteer-run platform that continues to exist because of the generosity of our contributors, and a deeply shared enthusiasm for artistic exchange. From our hearts, thank you.
Special thanks to Consuelo and Brendan of Sydenham International for their most kind and generous support, and for the opportunity to hold this exhibition here.
Thank you to the SI volunteers for their hours offered to tend this space.