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009.1 | ATTACK
009.1.1 Survivor / Aline Lyons 3
009.1.2 Re : Sounding - Mythology of a Drum / James Nguyen & Victoria Pham 7
009.1.3 Unison and Noise in Multi-Disciplinary Art / Liam Mulligan 15
009.2.1 Meeting Points: Experimental Concert Music Series in Perth / Eduardo Cossio 19
009.2.2 Place is always moving, like a sleeping cat / Tristan Louth-Robins 23
009.2.3 On seeing Camouflage, then the Getty challenge - some thoughts on 'nearly' (or: precision, pandemic, playfulness) / Cynthia Troup 26
009.2.4 Our Imagined Future 1.0 / Vincent Giles 28
009.3 | RELEASE
009.3.1 Times of Covidity / Anca Frankenhaeuser 36
009.3.2 Greenware / Rosie Thomas 40
009.3.3 untitled (sitting) - Serendipitous Sojourns / Allan Rand 42
009.3.4 A Polemical 30-Part V-Letter To, From, & About Pre(care)iousness: 1.04.2020-20.6.2020
/ James Hazel 48